Each of you should use whatever gifts you have received to serve others as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.
1 Peter 4:10
Discipleship and Small Groups (Sunday-Friday)
Children- Age 3 years-5th grade Our goal is to inspire children to fall in love with Jesus . We want to empower them to live out God’s plan for their lives. We use a variety of teaching methods including object lessons, Kids Worship, small and large group study, music, drama, exploration and so much more. If you have a passion for working with children, contact Larissa Brown, larissa.brown@oakridgemc.org
Faith and Family – Sunday morning 10:05am, Room F217, adults and families of all ages, 6-8 week short-term studies and discussions around parenting children through young adulthood as well as discussions about supporting aging parents. Contact: Steve Guild, guild.steven@yahoo.com
Friends and Followers- Sunday morning 10:05am, Room F220, All Ages, 6-8 weeks short-term studies
Contact: Jill Shelton, sheltonjill@aol.com
Faith and Friendship- Sunday morning 10:05am, Room F218, All Ages, Class 6-8 weeks studies.
Contact: Kellie Carr, Kelliecarr2911@gmail.com
Prayer and Discipleship- Sunday morning 10:05am, Room F202, All Ages, Class expands on sermon series
Contact Mike Carr, mike.carr@oakridgemc.org
Shepherd’s Servants- Sunday morning 10:05am, Room D213-D214, Mostly Seniors, but all ages are welcome, Quarterly Bible Studies,
Contact: John Turner, jopateturner@gmail.com
Stepping Stones- Sunday morning 10:05am, Room F206-F204, All Ages, Quarterly Bible Studies,
Contact: Spencer Sullivan, sullivan.spencer7@gmail.com
Women of Faith- Sunday morning 10:05am, Room F219, All Ages, 6-8 weeks short-term studies,
Contact Diane Lomax, diane.lomax@gmail.com
Youth- Grades 6-12, Our youth program fosters faith through Bible study, devotions, outreach, and fellowship. Come get involved with our youth program through Sunday morning discipleship, Bible Study, Sunday Night Ridge, mission trips, and more. Contact Jon Christ, jon.christ@oakridgemc.org
Mary Martha Circle- Mondays once a month, 10am-12pm Group of women, various days & locations,
Contact Cassandra Thacker, thackerg@bellsouth.net
Reflections- 1st & 3rd Mondays at 6:30pm, F220, Contact Dee Hall, dbhall2013@yahoo.com
Women of the Way- usually 1st & 3rd Tuesdays, check with Lynne for dates, 9:30-11am, F220
Contact Lynne Toth, lynnetoth@outlook.com
Marvelous Moms- 2nd & 4th Thursday, 10am-12 noon, offsite meetings,
Contact Christy Secraw, secrawchristy@gmail.com
Men’s Bible Study and Breakfast- Bible Study 1st & 3rd Thursdays, 9am and also 7pm studies in F202.
Contact Steve Kingsbury, swkingsbury@gmail.com
R.O.M.E.O. breakfast- 2nd Thursday, Bill's Pizza. Meet at Bill's at 11:45 a.m.
Contact Steve Kingsbury, swkingsbury@gmail.com
Copper Coins- Group for widows. 3rd Friday at 1pm, offsite meetings.
Contact Linda Avery, linsave53@gmail.com
Live Wires—Outings and day trips for Seniors on the go!
Contact Cassandra Thacker, thackerg@bellsouth.net
Praise Band- Looking for instrumentalists and vocalist. Rehearsals on Thursday evenings. Play/Sing in 11am worship services on a rotating basis. Contact Jessie Gillie, jessie.gillie@oakridgemc.org
Choir, Drama, Instrumentalist-Welcoming new choir members, instrumentalists, and actors for dramas. Choir rehearsals on Wednesday evenings. Singing in the 9am Traditional Worship service.
Contact Scott Spradlin, scott.spradlin@oakridgemc.org
Greeters/Ushers- Greeters provide a warm welcome to worshipers as they arrive. Ushers help with seating, offering collection, and guiding the congregation in communion. Serve on a rotating basis for either the contemporary or traditional worship services. Contact Bev Miller, bev.miller@oakridgemc.org
Altar Guild- Helping to prepare our worship spaces by tidying up after service, filling candles, replacing pew supplies, changing worship paraments, and seasonal decorating.
Contact Bev Miller, bev.miller@oakridgemc.org
Communion Stewards- Picking up the communion elements, preparing them for service, and cleaning up after communion. Communion is served once a month.
Contact Bev Miller, bev.miller@oakridgemc.org
Parking Lot Greeters- Assist people as they arrive for worship and church events by giving directions and parking guidance. Be the first smiling face people see as they come into our parking lot. We have two parking lot shifts each week 8:45 and 10:30 Serve one Sunday a month.
Contact Mike Carr, mike.carr@oakridgemc.org
Chair Set Up- Our contemporary worship is held in our Family Life Center. We set up chairs each week for the service. Join our team and provide seating that makes worship possible for many. Serve one Sunday every other month.
Contact Bev Miller, bev.miller@oakridgemc.org
Audio Visual for 9 & 11- We’re looking for AV helpers in our 9:00am and 11:00am worship services. We need volunteers for Pro Presenter (worship slides), sound board, and cameras/live streaming. If you have talents in these areas or if you’d like to learn, join our AV ministry team. Serve one Sunday a month.
Contact Mike Carr, mike.carr@oakridgemc.org or
David Dudley, David.dudley@oakridgemc.org
Stephen Ministry- Stephen Ministers are lay congregation members trained to provide one-to-one confidential Christian care to those experiencing a difficult time in life. Examples include, but are not limited to, grief, divorce, job loss, chronic or terminal illness, and relocation. Stephen Ministers come from all walks of life, but they all share a passion for bringing Christ’s love and care to people during a time of need. Since 1975, more than 600,000 people from more than 13,000 congregations and other organizations have been trained as Stephen Ministers. Contact Cathie Rollins, roll4@triad.rr.com or Lee Ann Browning, labbrowning@charter.net
Wednesday Night Meals- Our Wednesday night meals provide an opportunity to gather in fellowship and connect with one another. Help for set up, serving and clean up is always welcome!
Contact Glenda Hassler, gkhassler@hotmail.com or Jane Rose, chasnjane@gmail.com
Servant's Table- This is a congregational care ministry where we show the love of Christ to one another. There are many opportunities to serve on this team: baking cookies for care packages, preparing a meal for a family dealing with illness, delivering meals/care packages, visiting people, and helping with funeral receptions (food, set up, serving, clean up). This would be a great place to plug in if you have a heart for congregational care. Contact Cathie Rollins, roll4@triad.rr.com and Bev Gordon, bjgordon02@gmail.com
Card Ministry- This ministry group meets on the 2nd Wednesday to write and pray over birthday and encouragement cards before mailing.
Contact Lynda Williams, lwilliams185@triad.rr.com
Missions and Ministries
Christmas Store- Backpack Christmas Store is a ministry providing Christmas for our Backpack families. We ask for donations of sweatshirts and sweaters for the children in the month of November. This ministry has provided over 330 children with sweatshirts/sweaters for Christmas annually. This year we are also in charge of the operations for the Christmas Store and would love to have more volunteers. Contact Erika Gantert, ganterter@gmail.com
Shoeboxes-Operation Christmas Child- Every year Samaritan’s Purse has collected shoebox gifts filled with toys, school supplies, and hygiene items for children around the world. Since 1993, more than 220 million children in more than 170 countries and territories have received an Operation Christmas Child shoebox. The project delivers not only the joy of what, for many kids, is their first gift ever, but also gives them a tangible expression of God’s love. Contact Kathy Linville, kathylinville@hotmail.com
Blood Drive- Blood drives are held at ORMC on the second Monday of every even-numbered month, and we have been doing so for over 20 years. We normally have a goal of collecting around 60 units of blood and we usually make that goal or a little more. The Red Cross provides qualified staff for the donations and ORMC provides the volunteers for the registration desk and canteen, as well as the set-up and take-down. The Red Cross provides some packaged snacks, water, and juice boxes and ORMC members supplement that with sodas and baked goods. Appointments can be scheduled on the Red Cross website. It usually takes less than one hour, start-to-finish, to donate a unit of blood, and one unit can help up to 3 people.
Contact Bob Yarbrough, bobyarb@gmail.com
Adult Basketball- Monday nights in the gym. Contact Pastor Mike at mike.carr@oakridgemc.org
Upwards Basketball– a sports program that helps children grow mentally, socially, spiritually, and athletically, also helps to build character, leadership and sportsmanship. Practices begin in Feb. 2025 on Thursday nights and Sunday afternoons—games on Saturday mornings. ages 3-4 and 5-6, in the Family Life Center gym.
Contact Mike Carr, mike.carr@oakridgemc.org
Weekday School- Oak Ridge Methodist Church Weekday School (called “the Weekday School” or ORWS) is a licensed 5-star rated, non-profit, tax-exempt program sponsored by Oak Ridge Methodist Church. The Weekday School's program includes a full-time childcare program for infants through five years of age and an after-school program for kindergarten through fifth graders. Our goal is to provide the very best care and training available for your child in a Christian environment. As a part of our program, we encourage you to discuss your child's growth and development with us. Oak Ridge Methodist Church views the Weekday School as an extension of their Christian Education Program and believes each child enrolled deserves an opportunity for growth in all areas of life - physical, emotional, intellectual, social, and, most importantly, spiritual- as a continued, inter-related process. Our mission is to provide a Christ-centered learning environment for children to grow and flourish while sharing God’s love, building relationships, and developing minds. Our goal is to provide the highest quality education rooted in God’s truth where each child can stimulate their physical, intellectual, and emotional growth.
Contact Jamie Hatchell, Jamie.hatchell@oakridgemc.org or Allie Sizemore, allie.sizemore@oakridgemc.org
Brunswick Stew- The Brunswick Stew project has been conducted for probably more than 50 years. The primary purpose in these modern days is to provide funds for scholarships to ORMC students. Although it is generally considered a Methodist Men’s project, it actually requires participation from many people over several days, plus much planning and preparation beforehand. The stew is cooked in two 100-gallon pots using propane. The stew is the sole source of income to provide for the student scholarships. Although not every penny of profit goes for scholarships, every penny of scholarship money comes from the stew. The stew is sold on the second Saturday of November every year. Scholarships are in the amount of $500 and in 2024, seven scholarships were awarded.
Contact Robin Covington, rdscovington@aol.com
Prison Ministry- Our most exciting function at the jail is our re-entry program. Chaplain Jonathan responds to requests from men and women in residence with us, who want to participate after their release. Those who respond are provided with a caseworker to make a solution possible, so we minimize the chances of their return to the county jail in the future. We also provide donated books, lead Bible studies, serve in the kitchen. Contact Dan Nelson, dannelson7@triad.rr.com
Hannah’s Haven- Hannah's Haven, A Teen Challenge Center, helps women develop in spirit, mind, and body so they can become all they were created to be in Christ. In partnership with the community, Hannah's Haven provides a safe and stable environment for women who are in recovery from substance abuse. Contact Jane Hahn, janehahn@hotmail.com
Backpack Ministry- Guilford Backpack Ministry reduces food insecurity in local areas schools by providing food and basic necessities to local students. You can help by donating money, food, and/or your time. Volunteers can sign-up to help with day or evening packs, deliver bags, food sorting and/or join one of our many teams that work to grow and sustain this ministry.
Contact Erika Gantert, ganterter@gmail.com
Good Samaritan Ministries (GSM)- A local mission serving those in need in northwestern Guilford County. The pantry is located at Gideon Grove UMC in Stokesdale. Each month, our church is responsible for providing 2-3 different food items to replenish the pantry. The pantry is open on the 4th Saturday to distribute food to all who come. For more information on how you can be involved, contact Sheila Gallow or MaryEllen Florence, sgallow@triad.rr.com meflorence30@gmail.com
Servant's Center- This organization houses disabled homeless veterans near downtown Greensboro. They have two levels of residents at Servant Center and the residents can graduate to more permanent but low-cost housing. They have an 85% success rate of working with residents to be independent. For more information on how to get involved with this ministry, contact Alison Huber, alison.huber@dynamicquest.com or Sheila Gallow, sgallow@triad.rr.com
Greensboro Urban Ministry (GUM)- This ministry serves dinner one Friday night every other month at the shelter. Our church has been providing service and support to this ministry for over 20 years. For more information on how you can help serve, contact Alison Huber, alison.huber@dynamicquest.com
Stamp Ministry- The Stamp Ministry collects cancelled stamps and sends them to the Alliance Stamp Ministry in Fort Myers. Florida. Each stamp needs to have a ½ inch border around the entire stamp. These stamps are sold to stamp dealers. The money is used for the publication of Spanish Sunday School curriculum and evangelical literature for children in need primarily in South America. Contact Lynne Toth, lrtoth@triad.rr.com
Scouts- The Scouting program builds the foundations of humility and compassion—strengthening character through actions, to prepare youth for a lifetime of leadership. To learn more about the Scouting program at ORMC, Contact Clay Johnson, cs.johnson07@yahoo.com
Guatemala- Since 2009 Oak Ridge MC has been sending teams to remote areas of Guatemala to install stoves and water purifiers in homes. The teams also provide a concrete pad (~100sf), whitewashes the walls in the kitchen and provides dewormer for families receiving water purifiers. Contact Max Kern, hmaxkern@gmail.com
Disaster Response- The Disaster Relief Ministry is a dedicated program that aims to provide immediate assistance and support to individuals and communities affected by natural disasters or crisis. This ministry is comprised of compassionate volunteers who work together to mobilize resources, offer physical aid, and address emotional and spiritual needs during times of distress. The ministry also focuses on long-term recovery efforts, including rebuilding infrastructure and supporting the emotional well-being of affected communities. Contact Jeff Gallow, sgallow@triad.rr.com Loren Hughes, doclh@hotmail.com or John Browning, johnbrowning@bellsouth.net
Africa Uni/Isaiah’s Shoes & Socks/Child Action Initiative- Africa University is a UMC-related project and is being nurtured and funded by church members from all over the world. It is a consequence of the growth of United Methodism on the African continent. Child Action is a Non-Government Organization founded in 2006 by Isaiah Njimbu after graduation from Africa University with a sociology degree, when he returned home to Lubumbashi, Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC). Isaiah’s Shoes and Socks is a ministry started by Sydney Wentz in 2009. The children of Kasungami need shoes and socks for school. Children without shoes and socks are not allowed entry. Shoes protect their feet from injury and impetigo, a bacteria that can be contracted through cuts on the feet. For more information on how you can support this ministry, contact Mike Carr, mike.carr@oakridgemc.org
Camp Guilrock-Camp Guilrock is a beautiful 210-acre camp and retreat center located between Greensboro and Reidsville. Our mission statement is “Discover Creation, Experience God, Grow in Faith.” We are open year-round for retreats, family reunions, church picnics and camp-outs and in the summer offer nine weeks of day camp for elementary age children. Visit our website at www.campguilrock.org
UMAR- The UMAR/Special Needs Adult Ministry supports the organization that helps special needs adults to have residential, employment, and cultural enrichment opportunities. UMAR promotes community inclusion, independence and growth for adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities. The ministry group visits UMAR homes for women once a month and a UMAR home for men once a month. We do crafts, play games and have fellowship with the women and men. Contact Lynne Toth lrtoth@triad.rr.com if you would like more information.
Loving Threads- A group of ladies who come together on Monday every other week, to crochet and/or knit prayer shawls, baby blankets, hats and other items for those who are hospitalized, homebound or in need of comfort. Contact Linda Avery, linsave53@gmail.com
Craft Night/Chrismons- Christian fellowship and crafting! A place to share your love of crafting with others. A place to learn a new craft. All skill levels, all types of crafts are invited: knitting, crochet, quilting, beading, embroidery, painting. Connect with others, learn a new skill, and experience making something with your own two hands. This group meets the 2nd & 4th Thursday evenings in D212 at 7pm Contact Rhonda Lee, rhondalee005@gmail.com
Home Repair- Helping locally with home repairs, wheelchair ramps, etc. Serve on an as needed basis. Contact Tim Florence, handy.tim.florence@gmail.com or Chad Davis, chaddavis37@gmail.com
Marketing/Website- Our website may be an opportunity to make a good first impression on guests. Looking for people with marketing skills and website experience or volunteers willing to learn. We want to be visible in our community and have a strong online presence. Contact Bev Miller, bev.miller@oakridgemc.org
Facilities- Looking for help with a variety of church maintenance projects as needed (light bulbs, general repairs, snow removal) Contact Jack Polakowski, jack.polakowski@oakridgemc.org
Church Historical Committee- We’d like to preserve our church’s history in order to share it with our current and future members. If you have a heart for listening and communicating with people of all ages, recording church events, assisting with organizing church photos and artifacts, please reach out to Beth Browning at embrowning.bb@gmail.com